Details of Bio Aesthetics Point (BAP) Injection Service at Sorella Beauty & Spa

Details of Bio Aesthetics Point (BAP) Injection Service at Sorella Beauty & Spa.

What is Bio Aesthetics Point (BAP) Injection Service?

Bio Aesthetics Point (BAP) Injection Service is an advanced cosmetic procedure aimed at improving the appearance and quality of the skin using injections of bio-derived substances. This procedure focuses on injecting a series of compounds such as vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid, and growth factors to rejuvenate and nourish the skin from within. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, slowing down the aging process and improving the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
Service at Bio Aesthetics Point (BAP) Injection at Sorella Beauty & Spa
Service at Bio Aesthetics Point (BAP) Injection at Sorella Beauty Spa

Steps of BAP Injection Service

1. Consultation and General Evaluation

  • Customers will be briefed on the procedure, benefits, and precautions of BAP injections.
  • Evaluation of skin condition and overall health to determine suitable therapy.

2. Individualized Treatment Planning

Based on the assessment, an individualized treatment plan will be developed, including the selection of specific compounds and identifying injection areas.

3. Pre-Injection Preparation

  •  Clean and disinfect the selected area.
  •  Topical numbing cream may be applied to reduce discomfort during the injection process.

4. Injection Process

  • Inject selected compounds into Bio Aesthetics points on the skin.
  • The number and location of injection points depend on the specific goals of the procedure.

5. Post-Injection Care

Guide how to care for the skin after injection, including avoiding exposure to high temperatures and direct sunlight.

Benefits of BAP Injection Service

– Improved Skin Elasticity: Stimulates collagen and elastin production, making the skin firmer and smoother.
– Reduction of Wrinkles and Signs of Aging: Minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.
– Improved Skin Hydration: Hyaluronic acid helps enhance skin moisture, making it softer and smoother.
– Even Skin Tone: Reduces uneven skin tone and pigmentation issues.
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